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- 10 dim a$(33)
- 20 printchr$(14):poke53280,0:poke53281,0:poke646,3
- 30 print"[147] [146]"
- 40 print" [146] [199][197][207][211] [198]ont [201].[196]. [197]ditor [146]"
- 50 print" [146]"
- 60 print" [160][195]opyright 1988 [195][207][205][208][213][212][197]! [208]ub.,"
- 70 print" [193]ll [210]ights [210]eserved"
- 80 print" [208]ut [198][207][206][212] [196]isk in [196]rive: [146]"
- 90 print" [200]it a [203]ey."
- 100 geta$:ifa$=""then100
- 110 print"[147] [215]hen listing reaches [198][207][206][212] to edit,"
- 120 print" [200]it a [203]ey."
- 130 open15,8,15
- 140 open1,8,0,"$"
- 150 get#1,a$,a$
- 160 get#1,a$,a$
- 170 ifa$=""then290
- 180 get#1,a$,a$
- 190 get#1,a$
- 200 ifa$=chr$(34)thent=t+1
- 210 ifa$=chr$(34)ort<>1then230
- 220 n$=n$+a$
- 230 if a$=""then250
- 240 goto190
- 250 printn$
- 260 getd$:ifd$<>""then290
- 270 n$="":t=0
- 280 goto160
- 290 close1:close15
- 300 print"[205]ove cursor to selection, [200]it [210][197][212][213][210][206][146]"
- 310 inputf$:c$=f$
- 320 y$=""
- 330 fori=1to16-len(f$):f$=f$+chr$(160):next
- 340 for i= 1 to 16
- 350 b=asc(mid$(f$,i,1))
- 360 if b<192 then380
- 370 b=b-96
- 380 y$=y$+chr$(b)
- 390 next i
- 400 f$=y$
- 410 close15:close1
- 420 open1,8,15,"i:0":open2,8,2,"#0"
- 430 t=18:s=1
- 440 print#1,"u1";2;0;t;s
- 450 print#1,"b-p";2;0:get#2,t$,s$
- 460 t=asc(t$+chr$(0)):s=asc(s$+chr$(0))
- 470 for i=0 to 7
- 480 b$=""
- 490 print#1,"b-p";2;32*i+2
- 500 get#2,q$,r$,p$
- 510 forj=1 to 16
- 520 get#2,a$:b$=b$+a$
- 530 next j
- 540 if b$=y$ then goto580
- 550 next i
- 560 ift=0thenprint"no file":close1:close2:end
- 570 goto440
- 580 get#2,t$,s$:t=asc(t$+chr$(0)):s=asc(s$+chr$(0))
- 590 j=33
- 600 print#1,"u1";2;0;t;s
- 610 print#1,"b-p";2;128
- 620 get#2,l$,h$
- 630 l=asc(l$+chr$(0))
- 640 h=asc(h$+chr$(0))
- 650 g=l+256*h
- 660 if y<>15 theny=15:o=g
- 670 print"[147] [195]urrent [201][196]# for ";c$;" [146] is ";g
- 680 print" [197]dit [201][196]# ? ([217][146]/[206][146])"
- 690 geta$:ifa$=""then690
- 700 if a$<>"y" and a$<>"n" then690
- 710 if a$="y" then740
- 720 ifo=g then1040:rem quit
- 730 goto820
- 740 input" [195]hange to";n
- 750 ifn=0 or n>1027 then print"[205]ust be between 1 and 1027[145]":goto740
- 760 h=int(n/256):h$=chr$(h)
- 770 l=256*(n/256-h):l$=chr$(l)
- 780 print#1,"b-p";2;128
- 790 print#2,l$;h$;
- 800 print#1,"u2";2;0;t;s
- 810 goto590
- 820 print#1,"u2";2;0;t;s
- 830 print#1,"u1";2;0;t;s
- 840 k=130
- 850 print#1,"b-p";2;k
- 860 fori=0to j step 2
- 870 get#2,l$,h$
- 880 l=asc(l$+chr$(0))
- 890 h=asc(h$+chr$(0))
- 900 g=l+256*h
- 910 if g=0 then j=j-2:goto980
- 920 g=g-64*(o-n)
- 930 h=int(g/256)
- 940 l=(g/256-h)*256
- 950 a$(i)=chr$(l)
- 960 a$(i+1)=chr$(h)
- 970 next i
- 980 print#1,"u1";2;0;t;s
- 990 print#1,"b-p";2;k
- 1000 for i= 0toj step2
- 1010 print#2,a$(i);a$(i+1);
- 1020 next i
- 1030 print#1,"u2";2;0;t;s
- 1040 close1:close2
- 1050 print"[147] [195][207][205][208][204][197][212][197] "
- 1060 print" [197]dit [193]nother ([217][146]/[206][146] ?"
- 1070 geta$:ifa$<>"y"and a$<>"n"then1070
- 1080 if a$="y" then80
- 1090 close1:close2
- 1100 print"[147] [210][197][194][207][207][212] [199][197][207][211] ? [146]"
- 1110 print" [217][146]es or [206][146]o ?"
- 1120 geta$:ifa$<>"y"and a$<>"n"then1120
- 1130 ifa$="n"then end
- 1140 print"[147] [201]nsert [199][197][207][211] [194]ootdisk in [196]rive [146]"
- 1150 print" [200]it [210][197][212][213][210][206]"
- 1160 geta$:ifa$=""then1160
- 1170 load"geos",8,1
- 1180 end